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Jerry Sullivan

Clay County Progress, November 3, 2022

Jerry Sullivan, Clay County Food Pantry Director

The Clay County Food Pantry was recently awarded the “Readers Choice” for the Charity of the Year. How cool is that to be recognized by the community you serve as the charity making the biggest contribution to our neighbors. This is a huge honor and sets the bar

high as we move into the holiday season.

Thanksgiving is an annual celebration where we gather with friends and family to celebrate the harvest and blessings over the past year. Many of our clients struggle during the holidays and our goal is to provide them with many of the traditional items for the Thanksgiving meal. We conducted a survey of our customers, and not surprising their wish list includes the traditional fare of turkey, potatoes, cranberries, stuffing and pumpkin pie. We will do our best to fulfill their request and this is where we need our readers support. As customers struggle with the rising cost, we too have experienced a significant increase in cost and

demand. Our cost for the first nine months is up — 80 percent versus prior year. This is due to inflation, availability of meat products from Manna and increased demand. As meat products have been unavailable, we have sourced meat products from traditional retail

stores. It should be noted that the food pantry is 100 percent staffed with volunteers and our non-food expense is minimal.

The Food Pantry has always been a community effort and your support is needed. Contributions can be either food assistance — non-perishable pre-packaged

and canned foods or monetary donations. Food donations can be dropped off in person on

Fridays between 9 a.m. and 12 p.m. at 2278 Hinton Center Road, Hayesville. You can also add food donations to the drums located at the exits of the Hayesville Ingles. You can mail your monetary, tax-deductible contribution to The Clay County Food Panty, Inc. P.O. Box 853, Hayesville, NC 28904. If you have any questions, you can contact us at (828) 389-1657. As

always, we appreciate your support and wish you and your loved ones a blessed Thanksgiving.


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